Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Death by Hospital

 Your American Heritage Feb 19, 2022   

Good afternoon and welcome to Your American Heritage
My name is Ed Bonderenka. I am an endangered species, a Christian white male.
My pronouns are Thee and Thou.

Working the board and the phone lines is Derek Stone

Before I start, I was talking to my friend Jay Poplar and he suggested that we are being Cloward-Pivened. I replied that they are flooding the zone.
Ukraine is under fire.
Truckers and little old ladies in Ottawa are under fire from Castro’s bastard son. Illegals are flooding into the country. You know that.
When I look for a topic for this show, I try not to respond to the immediate news. Listen to Tucker Carlson, Steve Gruber, Maria Barteromo.
I’ve only got an hour. I want to explore topics that are current yet go deeper.
With explanations of motives and background. Thanks for joining us.

It’s Day 395  of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.
They want you to bow down and worship Caesar, to make the government your God, your provider.
A government not for the people or by the people, but by theft of an election.

We wrestle not just against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness.

This is spiritual warfare. Good vs Evil.

If you do not believe the Biden regime is evil and in your face about it, check out who was appointed to be the deputy secretary of Health and Human Services, Rachel Levine, a guy who wears a dress in public.

Check out who was appointed to be in charge of nuclear waste in this country, a pervert who dresses like a woman or a dog, in public, and is proud of it. It used to be you had to be sane to get a position of responsibility like that.
And then there’s the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg who took off a few months in the middle of a national crisis that was in his portfolio, the supply chain fiasco, to take paternity or maternity leave with is male partner while they adopt twins. Maybe if he’d had a cesarean, it would have been more acceptable.

Psalm 144 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle. My lovingkindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge.

Clasp your hands and fingers together, bow your heads and,
Let’s go to war.

Father, thank you for this country that you have placed us in.
Help us to protect and preserve this gift that you have given us.
Please lead us and guide us today and in the days to come,
Please restore the prisoners in DC to their freedom.
Please protect the truck drivers and their support from harm.
Please continue to awaken the American People from their slumber, those that are not aware of the danger.
Please help us retake the government from the traitors and criminals that have stolen it.
Please move mightily and either bring these oppressors to a place of repentance or imprisonment.
I ask you to protect this nation. Deliver us from our oppressors.
Remove from power those who threaten our livelihood and income.
Those that would rob from us and our children by excess taxation and inflation..
Those who would imprison and assault us for opposing, for speaking out against, their evil totalitarian plans for this nation.
I ask that if they will not repent, that you destroy them. That you will protect us.

This Pete Buttigieg just recently announced that he wants to eliminate all traffic deaths in America.

I wonder if he envisions lockdowns to do that.
Reduce the national speed limit to 55.
Ben Franklin said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”    

Let’s face it, if this administration was interested in driving down the number of fatalities, perhaps it would not encourage or demand that people take a vaccine that has been demonstrated through their own VAERS system (which notoriously undercounts events) or incentivize or allow hospitals to kill people.

I was listening to Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson’s “Second Opinion” panel discussion with a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts and I heard a question posed to Dr. Christina Parks, who is not a white person about the disparity of support for the black community regarding Covid. Surprisingly, Dr. Parks announced that her father had died a few days earlier, not of Covid, but of treatment for Covid.
Listen to Dr. Parks.
A few weeks ago, I played audio of a doctor detailing covid payments to hospitals for treatment.
I can’t find it now and videos are being banned.
These two guys also spoke up and did a video, and it’s been removed.

Drs. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care (they own it) said
"Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for—if they're Medicare—typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000,” said Jensen, whose claim was fact-checked by USA Today. “But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

 So today, we’re talking to Stacy Ograyensek whose husband Ryan was admitted to a Beaumont hospital with Covid.
You can help Stacy here:
Give Send Go for Stacy and her fight for Ryan's Law.

Hi Stacy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Insurrection in America

Some good stuff in here.
I had to edit audio for about four hours to condense a 90 minute interview into this show.

I hope you enjoy it.

I host Bill Federer who talks about insurrections in American History. The Real Ones.

It’s Day 381 of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.
A government at war with you.

You who don’t bow down and worship Caesar, to make the government your God.
A government not for the people or by the people, but by theft. A government that steals your savings and wages, not by taxation but by inflationary policies.

We wrestle not just against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness.

This is war. This a fight for the soul of our nation. Literally. These debased leftists are trying to capture the souls of our children. They are grooming them in the classroom like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were grooming those teenage girls she brought to him before he did not kill himself.
They are teaching our kids to be subjected to them in humiliating ways. Forcing them to wear masks of subjection all day like a dominatrix would and then exposing them to salacious pornography, sexual perverts at reading time n the library and then training them in sexual techniques.

This is spiritual warfare. Good vs Evil.

To fight this spiritual battle, you must follow the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of armies.
This isn’t a religious show, but this country was founded on religious principles. My friend, historian William Federer makes that abundantly clear. We’ll be talking to him later this hour.

Psalm 144 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle. My lovingkindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge.

Clasp your hands together, bow your heads and,

Let’s go to war.

Father, thank you for this country that you have placed us in.
Help us to protect and preserve this gift that you have given us.

Please lead us and guide us today and in the days to come,

Please restore the prisoners in DC to their freedom.

Please protect the truck drivers and their support from harm.

Please continue to awaken the American People from their slumber, those that are not aware of the danger.

Please help us retake the government from the traitors and criminals that have stolen it.

Please move mightily and either bring these oppressors to a place of repentance or imprisonment.
I ask you to protect this nation. Deliver us from our oppressors.
Remove from power those who threaten our livelihood and income.
Those that would drive down the value of our savings and the ability to pay our bills.
Those who would imprison and assault us for opposing, for speaking out against, their evil totalitarian plans for us.

I ask that if they will not repent, that you destroy them. That you will protect us. Amen.

Election Fraud and Theft

A discussion with Patrick Colbeck, over the theft of a nation.

Patrick Colbeck, Rocket Scientist, former State Senator, former candidate for governor of Michigan, currently author and dare I say activist, host of, occasional talk show host and prominent investigator into how the coup against the American People was accomplished.

It’s Day 381 of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.
A government at war with you.

You who don’t bow down and worship Caesar, to make the government your God.
A government not for the people or by the people, but by theft. A government that steals your savings and wages, not by taxation but by inflationary policies.

We wrestle not (just) against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness.

This is war. And we must realize that it is a spiritual battle. To fight this spiritual battle, you must follow the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of armies.
This isn’t a religious show, but this country was founded on religious principles. My friend, historian William Federer makes that abundantly clear. We’ll be talking to him next week.

Psalm 125

Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, Lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity. Do good, O LORD, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts. As for such as turn aside to their crooked ways, The LORD shall lead them away with the workers of iniquity.
This psalm is a prayer that God would defeat our oppressors. Now, not later.

Democratic Sen. Ben Ray Luján, who recently suffered a stroke, will be back in the Senate in 4-6 weeks, "barring any complications," according to a person close to the senator.
Is this God protecting us in a discreet way? The democratic party edge in the Senate has been reduced. For how long?

Is this an answer to the prayers of Americans for this country?

Psalm 144 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle. My loving kindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge.

Clasp your hands and fingers together, bow your heads and,

Let’s go to war. 

Father, please lead us and guide us today and in the days to come,

Please give us the wisdom we need as we fight this assault on our nation. Please help us retake the government from these traitors and criminals. Please continue to awaken the American  .

Please move mightily and either bring these oppressors to a place of repentance or imprisonment.
I ask you to protect this nation. Deliver us from our oppressors.
Remove from power those who threaten our livelihood and income.
Those that would drive down the value of our savings and the ability to pay our bills.
Imprison us for opposing, and speaking out against, their evil totalitarian plans for us.

I ask that if they will not repent, that you destroy them. That you will protect us. Amen.

Last night, I was with a group of engineers at work. I was programming machines to talk to the new database that would integrate us into the company that recently acquired us that they were implementing.
I was explaining that this one machine drops four different stacks of finished goods, but due to the design, I could never guarantee that all four stacks would be equal, only that they would total a certain goal number or overshoot that number a little.
One of the software engineers turned to another one and said, “Yeah, we can’t have .5 of a part.”
and I responded that this was a welding cell, not a Dominion voting machine.
And they all laughed. My boss shook his head and said “Here we go…”, but I said I was glad they all knew what I was talking about, and they agreed. So I mentioned that I did this radio show, and would be talking about this today. Had any of them heard of Pat Colbeck? And they had. Friends, that’s encouraging!

And God has been kind to you, the listening audience and answered my prayer for an intelligent informed guest in the form of the afore mentioned Pat Colbeck.
Rocket Scientist, former State Senator, candidate for governor, currently author and dare I say activist, host of occasional talk show host and prominent investigator into how the coup against the American People was accomplished.

Covid and Wrath

Audio clips and commentary,
Ron Johnson's senate hearings.
My winning radio spot, 
and a reprise of
Peter Wood's
Wrath: America Enraged 

Jesus and Santa

I interviewed William J. Federer regarding his book on Santa Claus. You should listen, there's more to the story than you may know. How ...