Saturday, March 26, 2022

Telling the Truth

Good afternoon and welcome to Your American Heritage 

That was Madison Rising playing their take on God Bless America written by Irving Berlin.

My name is Ed Bonderenka, and I am  not your fluffy insurrectionist.  Working the board and the phone lines is Derek Stone, who also hosts Stone Cold Sports, Sundays at noon thirty, right after my friend Sean Todd, the Rockin’ Rev on The Intersection at noon. It’s not your fluffy Christian radio show. 


It’s Day 430 of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic. 

They want you to bow down and worship Caesar, to make the government your God, your provider.

A government not for the people or by the people, but by theft of an election.

We wrestle not just against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness. 

This is spiritual warfare. Good vs Evil. 

Psalm 144 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle. My lovingkindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge.

Clasp your hands and fingers together, bow your heads and,

Let’s pray, Let’s go to war. 

Father, thank you for the gift of this country that you have placed us in.

Help us to protect and preserve this gift that you have given us.

Please lead us and guide us today and in the days to come,

Please restore the political prisoners in DC to their freedom. 

Please continue to awaken the American People from their slumber, those that are not aware of the danger. Please move and provoke a spiritual awakening from the false religion of wokeness.

Please help us retake the government from the traitors and criminals that have stolen it. 

Please move mightily and either bring these oppressors to a place of repentance or imprisonment. 

I ask that if they will not repent, that you destroy them. That you will protect us. Amen.


It's March. It's Women's History Month.

Which begs the question. What is a woman?

You may have heard some of this with Marsha Blackburn asking Ketanji Brown Jackson a simple question. Here’s the long form

A dispute about the definition? She figures the SCOTUS will be working on that?

It's not that Ketanji Jackson can't tell you what a woman is. It's that she won't.

Matt Walsh asked groups of women what a woman was and they would not answer. They knew the answer. 

They were afraid to answer. Let’s talk about the fear of standing up for the truth.

This is a youtube clip of Candace Owens talking to Dr. Robert Malone.

 That's the ticket. Right there. People doing what they are told to do.

Wearing a mask, taking a shot, giving a shot, withholding lifesaving protocols like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for fear of losing their jobs. Same for telling the truth. Fear.

One of my favorite movies, Courageous, has an immigrant character who desperately needs a job to support his family. He gets it, and a chance at promotion! But the boss tells him he’ll have to cook the books to keep the job. He has time to think about it and he tells the boss he won’t. Courageous.

It has been my lifelong experience that people will sit in a classroom as confused as I am, wondering what the heck is the instructor saying, and no one will ask out of fear of ridicule.

Never stopped me. Especially once I realized I was in a room of people who thought everybody else knew what was going on and were afraid to speak up. Fear.

So let me tell you. I know what a woman is. I married one. A great one.

I have a guest today, and she is fearless, and I'm going to ask my guest to tell me what a woman is.

Cindy Holland, welcome to the show.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Man Who Saved Western Civilization

 I had Author, Historian and Patriot Bill Federer talking about The Man Who Saved Western Civilization, Patrick of Ireland,

The second half is a discussion with callers about the "grooming" of our children as sexual objects by educators and other predators.

Bill's website is a trove of good stuff as is the daily e-mail.


These parents, this mayor get it right. But this had been going on 6 years? Where else?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Trans.... Humanism

Besides my show, I hosted Moment of Clarity Saturday.

In our history. land acquisition led to classes of ownership.

Machinery and transportation acquisition did the same.

In the future, those who can afford genetic and mechanical body improvements will be a class unto themselves. And that doesn’t include you, serf.

They are going for the Nietzschean Ubermensch, the Superman.
are you aware of the Amazon series The Boys? The supermen are not good guys.
They do what they want.

Data is replacing machinery as the greatest asset.
Google is a prime example.
Prime is a prime example. What do you want to buy, and more importantly, “Why?”
Then they can sell to you by manipulating you.
Subliminal messaging is so passe. They are right in your face. They have algorithms.

This is Yuval Harari, listen to him.

 You mine data with algorithms. To get results.

Speaking of algorithms:
We started out with determining that DNA and RNA are the genetic code of life.
That things were not as random as they seemed.
This led to the move to decode the program, to crack the code, to see what switches control what.
The human Genome Project.
This is very similar to finding an alien spaceship and flipping switches to see what does what.
They didn’t write the code, and it was written by somebody much smarter than them.
But they wanted to BE like Him. If He could do it, maybe they could.

It's one thing to determine why things are the way they are.
It’s one thing to see if you can use that to cure somebody.

It’s another, to see if you can create a different thing altogether. To be a God.

We’ve been faced with Trans this and Trans that.
People who think they should be something other than they are.
Boys who think they are really girls and vice versa.
And people who want to be cats or dogs. Seriously. They think they are animals trapped in human bodies. We used to put these people under psychiatric supervision. Now we celebrate them on Youtube and TicTok. Or worse, we put them in charge of our nuclear waste disposal, or we make them a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari talks about how humans are now “hackable animals”, no longer subject to the intelligent design of “some God above the clouds, but our intelligent design…”

He goes on to state that the idea of humans having free will is over. “Today, we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale,” he says.

“People could look back in 100 years and identify the Coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin…”

Dr. Harari again.

And believe me, this guy is a big player in the World Economic Forum.

He advocates man becoming God. His latest book is Sapien Deus. The elevation of man to godhood. As if we could create a universe out of nothing.
It absolutely amazes me that a guy this smart can ignore all the data that points to everything being created by a God more powerful than he.

People can be blinded by religion. That’s why I am a Christian and don’t follow a religion.
Except I change my oil religiously.
But the left, the debased are heavily informed by their religion of self-worship.
And this can lead to great delusion.

A couple weeks ago, we had Stacy Ograyensek on Your American Heritage.
her husband obviously died from being restrained from taking Ivermectin.
I say obvious, because it was. He was given Ivermectin and he was getting better.
An administrator insisted it be withheld and he died. Is that murder? It’s at least negligent homicide.
I posted the episode on Facebook on Stacy’s timeline and some guy starts attacking her, calling her a liar. Turns out he’s an epidemiologist. He insists that we are misleading people with claims of the efficacy of Ivermectin. Well, there’s no denying that it was working, and that he died when it was taken away. Except it goes against this guy’s religion. His religion is “science”. But not science as historical scientists would see it. People like Newton who looked at cause and effect.
No, this is science as a religion. A prescribed set of beliefs. Quite the opposite.
Newton looked to find the rules that God had made.
Similar to looking at genetic code to see what God had made, even if you don’t recognize his code.
He leaves a signature like those morse coders who could recognize the tappers hand on the other end of the wire.

But when you take God out of the equation of science, what are you left with?
People who would tinker with your life, who would experiment on you and yours.
Mengeles. I didn’t go full Godwin and say Nazi. But now I did.

What were the Nazis doing?  Going for the Master Race.
I read some science fiction. The subject of body modification comes up. And it’s a good place to explore ideas. What might be the logical outcome of something.

Well, some of it isn’t pretty, because people are still flawed. And some want to rule you, and some want to kill you. Thanos from Marvel comics.

Transhumanism began taking shape in the 1930s under Social Engineers like Edward Bernays whose book “Propaganda” revealed the method of mind control for anyone curious enough to pay attention:


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.…

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.
It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

Well, we’ve seen social engineering and it ain’t pretty.
So next is genetic engineering.

You are  a hackable animal.

From the Epoch Times:
The vaccine’s mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cell’s nucleus is something that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said would not happen.
The Whole Process Occurred Rapidly Within Six Hours.
The vaccine’s mRNA converting into DNA and being found inside the cell’s nucleus is something that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said would not happen.

The CDC said on its web page titled “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.”
The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells.
Now we know otherwise. Did they know? Did they care? Should we? Is it part of a plan?
We had a number of people telling us that microchips were being inserted through the shot.
I discounted that and still do. The fact is that it is bad enough with all the other stuff the shot does, including getting you to take it in the first place, especially through mandate. What id that’s all this was about, seeing how far you’ll bend? And why? (algorithms).

We have a war in Ukraine, where it turns out that Bio research labs are operating.
This was first denied and suppressed in the press and social media.
Gary Wellings had sent me a text with a link to a twitter feed that showed a map of where these labs are. Then Twitter took down the account. Now the photo is everywhere.

Remember, conspiracy theory is really history in the making these days.
I’ve said before that I suspect that there is a vast criminal endeavor similar to what you would see in a James Bond movie. They are not Spectre or Smersh. They are the World Economic Forum.
Klaus Schwab is Ernst Blofeld.
They stole the government of the United States.
They are crashing the economy in such a way that farmers will go bankrupt, having to sell their land.
To Black Rock. To Bill Gates. For pennies on the dollar.
They have manipulated us into a position with Covid mania that gave them the ease to steal our government, ruin our economy, lower our standing and influence in the world and subjugate our population.
Think we aren’t being subjugated?
Ask one of the illegally detained and imprisoned Jan 6th protestors. Ask anyone who was told to take the jab to keep a job or to wear a silly mask to get on a plane or eat a meal.
And there are still people who have a mask on thinking that it protects their health.
This is a religious belief based on the religion of science similar to putting a dot on your forehead or wearing a cross for good luck. I am not bashing wearing a cross to announce that you are a Christian, but how many ungodly wear it for good luck?

Back to the World Economic Forum and the bio labs. What if instead of an island in the South Pacific or a lab under a volcano, or any one of those exotic locales in the movies, the nefarious research was being carried out in government sponsored labs? Labs that are kept outside of the country for jurisdictional reasons not unlike why prisoners are held in Guantanamo?
If this research is so dangerous that we don’t want Americans exposed to any hazards (how’s that working out for you after Wuhan?), why is it OK to expose Ukrainians to the threat?
Why did Barack Obama first float the idea of these labs in 2005? Obama? He was a junior senator out of nowhere. Or out of the Swamp machine.
Why Ukraine? Hunter Biden’s paymaster. Hunter Biden who was also funneling money to his dad.

What is the real purpose of these labs? Is there genetic research going on there? I don’t know, but what I’m saying is that it could well be that the American taxpayer is being used to fund the very weapons that will be used against them by the very organization that wants to crash everything for the Great Reset, where you will own nothing and like it. Or else.

There truly is a mindset in this group that they are the elites. And you wonder how many of these are tools of the inner core of elites, ready to be sacrificed for the greater good. Of the inner core of elites.

And not yours.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Active Pulpits


Your American Heritage March 12 2022

  Good afternoon and welcome to Your American Heritage 

That was Madison Rising playing their take on God Bless America written by Irving Berlin.

My name is Ed Bonderenka, and I am  not your fluffy insurrectionist.  Working the board and the phone lines is Derek Stone, who also hosts Stone Cold Sports, Sundays at noon thirty, right after my friend Sean Todd, the Rockin’ Rev on The Intersection at noon. It’s not your fluffy Christian radio show. 


It’s Day 416  of the coup, the theft of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Let’s pray, Let’s go to war.

Father, thank you for the gift of this country that you have placed us in.

Help us to protect and preserve this gift that you have given us.

Please lead us and guide us today and in the days to come,

Please restore the political prisoners in DC to their freedom.

Please continue to awaken the American People from their slumber, those that are not aware of the danger.

Please help us retake the government from the traitors and criminals that have stolen it.

Please move mightily and either bring these oppressors to a place of repentance or imprisonment.

I ask that if they will not repent, that you destroy them. That you will protect us. Amen.

“Pastors should not talk about politics from the pulpit.”

Why not? Is it because Christianity or “religion” is above or transcends politics?
Is it the Johnson amendment that was written by an immoral racist jackass democrat who went on to become president? One that limits free speech from the pulpit because of a tax exemption?
BTW, do you know why churches are tax exempt?
Because it was always said that the power to tax is the power to destroy.

And the church, as an example of religious freedom, was to be protected from those who would destroy her. Particularly by writing specific tax law that would destroy it.

Well, the Johnson amendment stifles but not quite destroys the churches influence by writing tax code that affects it.

All the Johnson amendment does is supposedly keep pastors from endorsing candidates from their pulpits. Yet we see many an example of democrat politicians speaking from liberal churches.


“Why have 501(c)(3) organizations united to keep the protections of the Johnson Amendment?”

“This provision protects 501(c)(3) organizations from the rancor of partisan politics and being harassed by politicians and their operatives seeking endorsements; endorsing specific candidates could split congregations and divide boards and members of nonprofit organizations”

Now I say all this because I have attended a few churches where the pastor doesn’t want to do politics from the pulpit. This doesn’t stop all these rainbow-flagged gay LGBQT certified churches from advancing a political agenda from the pulpit.

So, why wouldn’t a pastor want to advocate certain policy (that’s where the word “politics” comes from) from the pulpit? Why wouldn’t he bring to your attention an ungodly proposal before the council, legislature, congress, etc? Is it to not alienate members of his congregation and not drive them away in the hopes of retaining influence in their lives towards salvation?

Well, that kind of leaves the rest of the culture to the loons, doesn’t it?

 I was watching this movie last night. Cromwell. It stars Richard Harris, Alec Guinness, Timothy Dalton, etc, and I expected it to mock Oliver Cromwell, but instead it makes him look rather good, so far.

I was absolutely struck by the similarities between the situation England and Cromwell found themselves in as portrayed by the movie.
Cromwell found himself a patriot, a man who supported the right of the people to self-govern via parliament. He starts out dismissing friends from his house who would rise up against the King, though.

That would be treason and lead to civil war. The King, Charles, was weak and manipulated by those around him, changing opinions based on who the last person talking to him was. The worst was his wife Jill. I mean Henrietta Maria. She is of a different religious persuasion than most of England and seeks to turn power and the culture towards her church.

 In one of the earlier scenes, a man is protesting the loss of his access to public property, grazing land.

The rights were given to a friend of the king. The man is taken away by soldiers not to be seen again until later he enters church where Cromwell sits. He has been tortured and beaten for speaking up for his rights. Couldn’t happen here, could it?  

Tell that to the incarcerated Jan 6th protestors. Do you have any idea of the percentage of Christians who were at the capitol protests that day? And who are currently locked up for over a year on phony charges? And the Inquisition goes on?

Who will speak for them? Is this the righteous act of a government?

It’s time for some pastors to take sides and speak up against the sinful activity of government.
is there an LGBQT poster in City Hall? Demand it be taken down!

 Is there a law or worse an administration edict, that promotes abortion, or sexual sin, or heroin use or just about anything they espouse in San Francisco that needs speaking out against?

What does another argument about how baptism is to be administered do to combat that rot in the culture? Salvation is pre-eminent. A good religious people is imperative to the health of this nation.

But the people must be motivated. They must be encouraged to vote, to rise up in righteous anger and say “No more!”. Historically, this was done In The Church.
The Black-Robed Brigade was the regiment that the British government feared in the colonies.
They motivated the congregations and made them aware of their rights and responsibilities given to them by God.
I know that we have in those listening, people whose pastors do just that.

And I know that there are others who don’t.

We have Christian based organizations like The Thomas Moore Society and Salt and Light Global and The Great Lakes Justice Center and others that will stand up to the debased, but how often do you hear them promoted from within the churches? Your church?

 There is a battle in this world. It is a spiritual battle. But it is being played out in courtrooms and legislatures and many Christian Conservatives are not being motivated from the pulpits.

They are being motivated by talk radio.

Does that sound right?

 My guest today is David Kallman of Kallmna Legal Group, Sal and Light Global (a global initiative you can get behind!) and the Great Lake Justice Center.

Hi Dave!

Jesus and Santa

I interviewed William J. Federer regarding his book on Santa Claus. You should listen, there's more to the story than you may know. How ...